Entries from 2019-08-01 to 1 month

Now You Can Test Your Cat’s DNA

Have you ever wondered which of the nearly 50 cat breeds give your kitty her extra-long coat, spots or affinity for water? Or whether your cat’s ancestral roots could tell you something about her risk of certain diseases? “The world’s firs…

Il divertente video del gatto che porta a spasso il suo peluche

Di Maria Vasta giovedì 7 marzo 2019 Ecco un bel gattone che porta a spasso il suo peluche preferito, e lo fa in un modo davvero esilarante! Anche voi avete in casa dei gatti, dei cani o altri animali domestici? Se la risposta a questa doma…

Los alimentos que tu perro nunca debe comer

La dieta del perro es muy importante. Inicialmente, puede parecer que no importa que, aunque sea de manera ocasional, tome otros alimentos que no es bueno que formen parte de su alimentación. Sin embargo, no es así. Ingerir cualquier produ…

Companion Animal Psychology News February 2019

Dog training standards, the puppy brain, and the crow that called for food… the latest Companion Animal Psychology news. Favourites from around the web this month These are my favourite articles, photos and podcasts about animals this mont…

Hello Wordless Wednesday..

Source: https://www.kittyblog.net/2018/09/hello-wordless-wednesday.html

“Tommie’s Law” Makes Animal Cruelty a Felony Charge in Virginia

Virginia lawmakers have officially passed “Tommie’s Law,” making animal cruelty a felony in the state. Just ten days after a pit bull was found tied to a pole, doused in accelerant, and set on fire at Richmond’s Abner Clay Park, Virginia l…

Neutering Male Dogs: Fact vs. Fiction

Whether your male dog needs neutering depends on a variety of factors. By: PixabayWhat are the pros and cons of neutering male dogs? It’s a question often asked about male puppies, especially when they reach that rambunctious, playful, bon…

Patologie lombo-sacrali nel cane: cause, sintomi e terapia

Cosa si intende con patologie lombo-sacrali nel cane? Ecco cause, sintomi, diagnosi e terapia. In generale con il termine patologie lombo-sacrali nel cane si intende la compressione delle radici nervose e del midollo spinale nella parte lo…

Royal Canin announces Healthy Weight competition winners

Royal Canin has announced the six finalists and overall winner of its 2018 Healthy Weight competition at an awards ceremony held on 14 January. The Healthy Weight competition aims to “promote a healthy body shape for cats and dogs” and to …

Catladyland Update

At this time, I am discontinuing posts on this blog, as well as on Catladyland's Facebook and Twitter. Things have gotten very busy for me (which is good!), and I don't feel like I can provide the best content for Catladyland, which I star…