Entries from 2018-10-01 to 1 month

How To Heal Your Dog’s Dry Nose Naturally

Have you noticed that your dog’s nose has been drier than usual lately? A crusty, flaky nose on your dog is not just an eyesore – it can actually be quite sore and uncomfortable for your dog. Dry, cracked skin isn’t just painful. A wet nos…


Il petindex di Atos scende a RIDURRE.Il giudizio precedente lo trovate qui:Il petindex dovrebbe essere valutato dopo due anni. Source: https://petsalvatore.blogspot.com/2018/09/scende-il-petindex-di-atos.html

Top Tips To Take Your Organic Gardening To The Next Level!

Maintaining an organic garden is extremely beneficial for your diet. However, there is a fair amount of information that you must learn, including how to choose the proper equipment and tools. There are a lot of different kinds of seeds yo…

Loving Your Pet Giveaway Hop (Ends 7/14)

If you love your pet this Giveaway hop is for you! Two Little Cavaliers your go to place for International Dog News, Pet Product Reviews, Pet Centric Giveaways, Cooking for Dogs, and the creator and co-host of the Saturday Pet Bloggers Blo…

Lamy 14K 筆尖

前幾天收到 lamy 通用 14K 黑筆尖 黑尖型號是 Z57,剛好拿來配鐵灰色的 Lamy Lx 換尖之後的 Lamy Lx 瞬間質感加分 XDD 14K 不虧是傳說中的軟 個人覺得適合拿來靜下心來書寫或練字用, 要寫快還是拿鋼尖吧! 跟手上的鋼尖 M 尖比較,筆幅粗細雖然差不多,但手…

Temperamento do bernese

O bernese (bernese mountain dog) é um dos cachorros mais populares na Europa. Enorme e super peludo, este gigante gentil chama a atenção por onde passa e cativa a todos com sua docilidade e tranquilidade.A história do BerneseExistente no m…

Oxbow Vitamin C and Harvest Hay Stacks Review

Fun fact: most mammals produce their own Vitamin C internally. Notable exceptions: humans, fruit bats, primates, capybaras and of course, guinea pigs. These species must get their Vitamin C from fruits and vegetables. Which is why veggies,…

Cómo evitar un golpe de calor en tu perro que puede costarle la vida

En pleno verano y con las temperaturas bastante altas debemos extremar todas las precauciones con nuestros perros ya que los golpes de calor en perros son más frecuentes de lo que imaginamos. Cómo sucede un golpe de calor en perrosHay que …

Ten Things Thursday -- Happy Stuff Edition!!

Props to Laura Belle for TTT, word!!! Okaysies, since my last couple posts have been gloomy and depressing I am gonna focus on the things that are actually making me happy. 1) ZUMBA!!! I am finally back to doing Zumba regularly -- like 7x …

Cat Food Recalls: Is Your Brand on the List?

Petful has been researching U.S. cat food recalls for several years now, and we’ve compiled the following list. Is your cat food on our list? Recalls are listed in order from newest to oldest. (Looking for dog food recalls? Go here.) 2018 …