Entries from 2019-01-01 to 1 month

Invasive Mosquito Species, Natural Remedies, & Repellents For Dogs

(Picture Credit: Getty Images)One of the nice things about fall (for some of us) is that mosquitoes will soon become a thing of the past – if only temporarily. That, however, is not the case for everyone. For as annoying as they are, mosqu…

Why Is My Dog Peeing In The House?

House soiling is a frustrating issue that all too often results in owners rehoming or surrendering their dogs. Before you give up on your pup, realize this is a common problem with many possible solutions. Once you get to the root of why y…

3 of the best TED Talks about dogs

I don’t know about you guys, but I adore TED talks. They are my go-to YouTube binge on Friday nights (because I’m so cool). There are so many amazing talks, and I love to watch a wide variety–lately I’ve been watching a ton of child develo…

Trucos para que el gato beba agua

En anteriores informaciones hemos ido hablando de la importancia de que el gato beba agua y de los efectos negativos que puede tener para su salud una mala hidratación. Hoy nos vamos a centrar en consejos para conseguir que el gato beba ag…

Trending: Our Favourite Luxury Dog Accessories Right Now

Fierce, fresh and fun. These are the must-have pupper items for 2018 and beyond. Copy: Serena Faber-Nelson Photography: As Listed Um, can I just ask how is it August 2018 already? Wasn’t it February yesterday? Well, like it or not, we are …

What is the PetPR.com Insiders Program?

As many companies already know, not all pet and veterinary press releases will meet the editorial needs of industry media outlets, even if the news may be of interest to pet owners or others in the industry. Knowing that pet and veterinary…

Loving Your Pet Giveaway Hop (Ends 7/14)

If you love your pet this Giveaway hop is for you! Two Little Cavaliers your go to place for International Dog News, Pet Product Reviews, Pet Centric Giveaways, Cooking for Dogs, and the creator and co-host of the Saturday Pet Bloggers Blo…