Entries from 2019-02-01 to 1 month

Eco-Friendly Heyday Dog Bed from West Paw

The following post is brought to you by West Paw. We’re very paw-ticular about our partners and only feature those we think are top dog. Quite possibly the softest, silkiest dog bed we’ve ever laid eyes on, the Heyday Bed from West Paw is …

21 Etsy Gifts For People Who Like Dogs More Than Humans

***Looking for a gift to blow your pup’s mind? Spoil them with a BarkBox! Every month BarkBox delivers 2 original toys, designed in-house, 2 full bags of all-natural treats, and a chew. Our treats are made in the USA and Canada, and our re…


I prefer Thanksgiving to Christmas.At least, I prefer the spirit of Thanksgiving, of expressing thanks and gratitude and joy, to the consumer-driven craze Christmas has become. Don’t get me wrong: I love presents, giving and receiving, and…

The Myth of the Allergy-Free Dog

Ah-choo! Can any dog make you sneeze? Dog lovers with a pet allergy have a big problem when it comes to having a dog in the home. But the usual solution — getting a breed known to be hypoallergenic — may not be a safe bet. In fact, there m…

Devon rex – Cuidados, características, fotos y precio

¿Conoces ya los gastos Devon Rex? Te contamos cuáles son los cuidados que necesitan, las características que los hacen tan especiales, fotos para que puedas ver esa carita tan peculiar y bonita que tienen, como el precio de los mismos si o…

Household cleaners that are safe for pets

Gone are the days when harsh chemicals were the only means of cleaning and sanitizing your home. Nowadays, you can find countless household cleaners that get the job done without leaving hazardous residues in their wake. Many homemade solu…

What Are The Best Toys For German Shepherds?

Quick, what do you think of when someone mentions a German Shepherd? Big guys, really hairy, and a ton of personality, right? Sure, that might also describe your Uncle Frank, but here’s something he probably can’t boast about at family gat…

Por que os gatos ficam perto de quem tem medo deles?

A situação é assim: você recebe um grupo de amigos em casa, todos eles gostam de gatos, exceto um – e o seu gato fica justamente perto deste quem tem medo dele. Essa é mais uma atitude que confunde as pessoas, mas que passa a fazer todo se…